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EcoReef Rock Mix A Plain Box

EcoReef Rock Mix A Plain Box
EcoReef Rock Mix A Plain Box
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An amazing looking alternative to real live reef rock. This incredibly light alternative is pH neutral and provides excellent bacterial loading. The perfect solution for marine reef aquariums, but can also be used for Malawi and Cichlid aquaria… as well as reptiles. Hand made from naturally occuring land materials allowing you to replicate a safe and realistic natural environment. The realistic solution for a natural look.

• Made exclusively for Tropical Marine Centre from natural materials. 

• Highly porous for superior bacterial loading.

• pH neutral - perfect for marine and reef aquariums.

• Hand made by local reef communities in the Indian ocean not only supporting their local developing economies but also communities in the hobby historically linked to Live Rock and Coral breeding programs. A sustainable solution as an alternative to live rock whilst still benefiting the same communities.

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